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Best Practices & Compliance

Software development can be pretty chaotic 🙂. Keeping tabs on all of the frameworks, linters, dependencies, patterns (anti-patterns), best practices, compliance needs...and generally the sprawl of behaviors and tools across an organization can be overwhelming. This problem compounds at larger orgs, where there's more code, more people, and more tools!

xkcd code quality comic

MergeStat makes it possible to treat code as data, in our mission to make it possible to query anything involved in building and shipping software with SQL.

A common way teams use MergeStat is to report on the adoption of best practices and compliance needs across an engineering organization (over many teams, codebases and tools). This page is a collection of examples we've encountered so far.

Which repos don't have CI/CD setup?

Show all repos that do not have a GitHub Action pipeline configured.

SELECT repo, path FROM repos
LEFT JOIN git_files
ON (git_files.repo_id = AND path ILIKE '.github/workflows/%')

Similarly for CircleCI:

SELECT repo, path FROM repos
LEFT JOIN git_files
ON (git_files.repo_id = AND path ILIKE '.circleci/%')

Or for Buildkite:

SELECT repo, path FROM repos
LEFT JOIN git_files
ON (git_files.repo_id = AND path ILIKE 'pipeline.yaml' OR path ILIKE 'pipeline.yml')

The inverse could also be valuable. Which codebases do have CI/CD configured:

SELECT repo FROM repos
JOIN git_files
ON (git_files.repo_id =
WHERE path ILIKE '.github/workflows/%'

Which repos don't have a CODEOWNERS file?

List all repos missing a CODEOWNERS file:

SELECT repo, path FROM repos
LEFT JOIN git_files
ON (git_files.repo_id = AND path ILIKE '%CODEOWNERS')

Get counts for how many repos have a CODEOWNERS file vs don't:

count(*) FILTER (WHERE path IS NULL) AS repos_without_codeowners,
count(*) FILTER (WHERE path IS NOT NULL) AS repos_with_codeowners
FROM repos
LEFT JOIN git_files
ON (git_files.repo_id = AND path ILIKE '%CODEOWNERS')

How many PRs are being merged without a review?

Show me all GitHub Pull Requests that have been merged without an explicit approval:

SELECT * FROM github_pull_requests
WHERE merged AND (review_decision IS NULL OR review_decision = 'REVIEW_REQUIRED')

Filter it down to PRs merged within the last month:

SELECT * FROM github_pull_requests
WHERE merged AND (review_decision IS NULL OR review_decision = 'REVIEW_REQUIRED')
AND merged_at > (now() - '1 month'::interval)

Now GROUP BY repo to show which projects have the most merged, unreviewed PRs:

SELECT base_repository_name, count(*) FROM github_pull_requests
WHERE merged AND (review_decision IS NULL OR review_decision = 'REVIEW_REQUIRED')
AND merged_at > (now() - '1 month'::interval)
GROUP BY base_repository_name
ORDER BY count(*) DESC

Now count by the PR author instead:

SELECT author_login, count(*) FROM github_pull_requests
WHERE merged AND (review_decision IS NULL OR review_decision = 'REVIEW_REQUIRED')
AND merged_at > (now() - '1 month'::interval)
GROUP BY author_login
ORDER BY count(*) DESC

Which PRs are too big?

Large PRs (where there are a lot of code changes) are typically an anti-pattern. These code changes can be harder to understand and therefore review, which may lead to issues being overlooked.

Show me all PRs merged in the last 3 months that modified more than 20 files:

SELECT * FROM github_pull_requests
WHERE merged
AND merged_at > (now() - '3 months'::interval)
AND changed_files > 20

Which PRs are taking too long to merge?

A PR that's been open for a long time can be considered an anti-pattern, or at least something worth investigating.

Show me all PRs merged in the last 3 months that took longer than 5 days to merge (from when it was first opened):

SELECT merged_at - created_at, * FROM github_pull_requests
WHERE merged
AND merged_at > (now() - '3 months'::interval)
AND (merged_at - created_at) > '5 days'::interval